British Equity Fund Company CVC Wants to Buy Toshiba.

Offer to Toshiba from CVC!

   According to the statements made by the authorities on the subject; CVC Capital Partners made a 20.8 billion bid to buy Japanese technology company Toshiba.

  In a statement made by sources who do not want to reveal their names, it was stated that the British Equity Fund met with Japanese officials. These sources also said that no final decision has been reached yet.

   CVC, which bought the famous Japanese cosmetics brand Shiseido for $ 1.5 billion this year, has now made an offer to buy Toshiba, the technology company. Confirming that it received an offer to be purchased in a statement yesterday, Toshiba announced that the company that wanted to buy made an offer of 5000 Yen per share. In total, approximately 2.28 trillion Yen, $ 20.8 billion dollar, was offered. No positive or negative decision has been announced by Toshiba.